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The Summit of the Gods

Patrick Imbert


卢森堡 / 法国 | 2021 | 95分钟 法语 动画片

France / Luxembourg | 2021 | 95mins | French | Animation


192468日,乔治·马洛里和他的同伴安德鲁·欧文是第一个登上珠穆朗玛峰的人吗?只有他们随身携带的小型柯达相机可能会揭示真相。70年后的加德满都,一位名叫福町的年轻日本记者认出了神秘的Habu Jôji手中的相机,Habu是一位被遗弃的登山者,据信失踪多年。Fukamachi进入了一个痴迷的登山者的世界,他们在一次旅程中渴望不可能的征服,这使他一步一步地走向众神的顶峰。


Were George Mallory and his companion Andrew Irvine the first men to scale Everest on June 8th, 1924? Only the little Kodak camera they took with them might reveal the truth. In Kathmandu 70 years later, a young Japanese reporter named Fukamachi recognizes the camera in the hands of the mysterious Habu Jôji, an outcast climber believed missing for years. Fukamachi enters a world of obsessive mountaineers hungry for impossible conquests on a journey that leads him, step by step, towards the summit of the gods.


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