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评委(Jury):道尔顿·格兰特(Dalton Grant)


Jury:Dalton Grant

美国动画导演,故事创作艺术家。曾为迪士尼、皮克斯、亚马逊等影视大厂创作了多部经典动画IP,如《赛车总动员》《海绵 宝宝》大电影、《怪物史莱克》和艾美奖获奖动画片《飘零叶》。

曾任厦门国际动漫节“ 金海豚奖”、HiShorts!厦门短片周、南京(国际)动漫创投大赛的评委。

He is an American animation director and story-writing artist. He has created many classic animation IPs for Disney, Pixar, Amazon and other film and television companies, such as Cars, The SpongeBob Movie, Shrek and the Emmy Award-winning animated program Tumble Leaf.

He served as a jury member for "Cyber Sousa Awards" of the Xiamen International Animation Festival, HiShorts! Film Festival, and International (Nanjing) Cartoon-Animation Venture Capital Conference .
