EN /
评委(Jury):霍建起(Huo Jianqi)


Jury:Huo Jianqi





Huo is a Chinese director, and he attended the Beijing Film Academy in 1978 and graduated in 1982 and thenworked at the Beijing Film Studio. He worked as an art director on many films such as In September, The Horse Thief,Unexpected Passion, and After Separation. In 1995, he directed his first film The Winner, which won the Best Directo-rial Debut at the 16th Gold Rooster Award. In 1998, he directed the film Postmen in the Mountains, which won theGolden Rooster Award for Best Picture and Best Actor, the People's Choice Award at the 23rd Montreal InternationalFilm Festival in Canada, the Grand Jury Prize and the Silver Peacock Award at the 31st International Film Festival ofIndia. In 2000, he directed the film A Love of Blueness and won the Golden Rooster Award for Best Director. In 2002,His film LIVE SHOW in 2002 won awards for  Best  Film,  Best Actress and  Best  Photography at the 6th ShanghaiInternational Film Festival. In 2003, his film Nuan won the Best Film and Best Actor at the 16th Tokyo InternationalFilm Festival. In 2016, his film Xuan Zang won the Best Director at the first BRICS Film Festival, the Best Feature Filmat the 3rd Silk Road International Film Festival, and the Best Film at the 13th Changchun Film Festival.


He served as a jury member at the Tokyo International Film Festival, Shanghai International Film Festival, and Changchun Film Festival.


